
International Cli-Fi Day 2024: History, Activities, Facts and FAQs

International Cli-Fi Day, celebrated on April 20, is a fiction genre addressing climate change, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable practices to prevent species extinction.

International Cli-Fi Day 2024: April 20 marks the annual observance of International Cli-Fi Day. Cli-fi refers to fiction concerning climate change. Different from genres like science fiction and fantasy, it stands on its own. There is general agreement that human-caused carbon emissions are causing Earth to warm.

Fiction writers sometimes address global climate change. Many films discuss climate change to raise awareness of its dangers. To save our species, we must adopt sustainable habits.

International Cli-Fi Day: History

Fiction provides insight into the world in which we live. Non-Homo sapiens constitute the sole inhabitants of the planet. We inhabit ecosystems teeming with various organisms, including bacteria, plants, animals, fungi, protists, and archaea. These various forms of life are in perfect synchronization with one another. This ideal interaction is disrupted by human activities, with repercussions for the planet. An emerging subgenre in literature, climate fiction (cli-fi) raises awareness of the global warming catastrophe and its long-term effects on humankind.

Simply put, climate fiction consists of narratives or films that explore global warming or climate change. It often makes hypothetical attempts to show how people will react to a climate disaster in a world similar to ours or one in the future. Frequently, a technology designed to combat climate change is incorporated. Climate fiction is an emerging genre. It began to acquire significant attention around 2010, coinciding with the increased recognition of the gravity of climate change. Presently, an increasing number of publications are being published on the subject.

In 2011, freelance writer Dan Bloom coined the term “cli-fi” in a press release for “Polar City Red — a Novel” by Jim Laughter, which is about climate refugees in a future Alaska. “The Cli-Fi Report,” an online resource devoted to climate fiction, was published by Bloom. In contrast to factual reporting, works of climate fiction exaggerate the severity of the current and future risks posed by global warming.

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International Cli-Fi Day: FAQs

Does fiction draw inspiration from actual occurrences?

While a novel may draw inspiration from actual occurrences, it cannot be an exact account of reality. A work qualifies as creative non-fiction if it exclusively features actual events and individuals.

What significant message does the reading of climate fiction convey?

A short narrative concerning climate change heightens the concerns of readers regarding the environment.

In the 21st century, why is global warming a significant concern for the entire planet?

Alongside ecological balance, population growth, air pollution, extinction of species, and land degradation, global warming is one of six environmental concerns that affect the entire planet.

International Cli-Fi Day: Activities

View a film on climate change

There are numerous climate change films available today. An example of contemporary works within this genre includes “Kiss The Ground” and “Don’t Look Up.”

Exhibit a sustainable practice

Numerous actions can be taken to ensure our continued existence and the health of our planet. Proving one’s commitment to minimizing plastic consumption is one way to fight pollution and climate change.

A book on climate change should be read.

Extensive literature exists on the subject of climate change. Michael Mann’s “The New Climate War” is a viable alternative. He describes how, to defer necessary action to advocate for systemic changes, the fossil fuel industry has shifted its strategy from outright climate denial to obstruction of change and transferring the burden of responsibility to individuals.

Five Facts about Climate Change

Variations in precipitation values

Floods, droughts, strong precipitation, and frequent and severe heat waves are some of the precipitation fluctuations that many places have seen as a consequence of climate change.

Alterations in oceans and glaciers

Among the many ways in which climate change is impacting the world’s glaciers and rivers is by raising sea levels, melting ice caps, and making the oceans hotter and more acidic.

Effects on human well-being

Climate change worsens air and water quality, changes the frequency and intensity of severe weather events, and increases the transmission of diseases.

Alterations to littoral communities

The sea level rise caused by climate change endangers coastal ecosystems and communities.

Variations in geographical regions

Ecosystem change compels animal species to relocate to alternative habitats, potentially resulting in alterations to their life cycles.

International Cli-Fi Day: Importance

Climate change awareness is increased by Cli-fi.

Documentaries addressing climate change serve to heighten public consciousness regarding the grave ramifications that this phenomenon inflicts upon our home planet. It emphasizes the prevalence of natural catastrophes that cause irreparable destruction.

It is a chance to discuss sustainable practices.

We all must incorporate sustainable practices into our daily lives. Each minor contribution is significant.

Cli-fi prompts us to consider our planet.

These films depict ecosystems, fauna, and various forms of life. This serves as a reminder that humanity is not an isolated planet.

International Cli-Fi Day: Dates

Year Date Day
2024 April 20 Saturday
2025 April 20 Sunday
2026 April 20 Monday
2027 April 20 Tuesday
2028 April 20 Thursday

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