International Sushi Day 2024: Celebrating The Delicious Japanese Delight

International Sushi Day 2024: The Japanese specialty is the ideal occasion to indulge in it on June 18, which is International Sushi Day. Sushi has emerged as a global phenomenon in the past three decades, following its initial difficulty in establishing a presence in the Western world. At first, raw fish did not appeal to all cultures; however, we ultimately recognized our error and are now greedy with it. It is time to refine your chopstick skills and indulge in a delicious meal in honor of International Sushi Day.

International Sushi Day: History

To ascertain the origins of sushi, it is necessary to examine a dish known as narezushi. Narezushi is a type of fish that has been salted and stored in fermented rice for an extended time. The rice was discarded, and the fish was consumed in both Southeast Asia and Japan. This was the initial version of sushi, and the Japanese regarded it as a significant protein source.

Sushi was invented during Japan’s Edo Period, 1600–1800. Rice-encased vinegar-soaked fish and veggies. Similar to Narezushi, each region has its interpretation, although most people today know this one. In the early 1800s, nigirizushi emerged. A salmon slice covered this rice mound.

The 1923 Great Kanto earthquake moved many from Edo, Japan, disrupting the Japanese economy. As a result of the Japanese people’s necessity to reinvent their lives in new locations, sushi became a global phenomenon.

By the mid-20th century, sushi was beginning to emerge from communities in Little Tokyo in the United States. It gained popularity among Hollywood personalities, which in turn drew the attention of the general public. The California roll, which substituted raw fish with crab and avocado, marked the Americanization of a concept that was previously alien to Americans. June 18 was designated as International Sushi Day in 2009. The idea emerged from Facebook and it took on a life of its own.

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International Sushi Day: FAQs

What’s excellent sushi for beginners?

Salmon, avocado, and cream cheese comprise the Philadelphia roll, which is a favorite among sushi novices.

Are there any regulations regarding the consumption of sushi?

Unless one is a juvenile, it is customary to consume sushi in a single bite.

What is the date of International Sushi Day?

June 18th

International Sushi Day: Activities

Enjoy a day of sashimi.

Accompany your loved ones or acquaintances to your neighborhood sushi restaurant and indulge in a delectable meal. Adhere to the chef’s recommendations and experiment with new dishes.

Become a sushi chef

View a YouTube video and attempt to prepare sushi independently. A rice cooker, a rice paddle, a basin of water, a bamboo mat, a sharp knife, and the ingredients for the sushi you are preparing are all necessary. It necessitates dedication and concentration; however, the outcome is exceedingly valuable.

Observe a documentary about sashimi.

The documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” is accessible on Netflix. It is the narrative of Jiro Ono, the world’s most extraordinary sushi chef, who is 85 years old. Critics and viewers equally have lauded the film.

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Five Facts About International Sushi Day

Probably, the horseradish in question is not genuine.

The rhizome of the wasabi a japonica plant is frequently substituted with horseradish.

It did not originate in Japan.

Norezushi originated in Southeast Asia, along the Mekong River, before being brought to Japan.

Sushi was not always a specialty.

People used to view sushi as a simple snack rather than an expensive delicacy.

Sashimi is capable of killing.

If not prepared correctly, sashimi made with pufferfish can contain lethal quantities of poison.

Utilize the entire sauce.

In Japanese culture, it is considered impolite to discard soy sauce.

International Sushi Day: Importance


Are you seeking to have your consciousness blown? The possibilities are limitless as you formulate your sushi dish by combining seafood, vegetables, seasonings, and condiments.

It is exceedingly nutritious.

Raw vegetables and fish are exceedingly nutritious. The rice may not be the healthiest food in the world, but the carbohydrates it contains will provide your body with the energy it requires. Sushi is the optimal choice for individuals who wish to maintain their physical fitness and reduce their weight.


There are an infinite number of sushi options, ensuring that you will never become tired. Even if you don’t love everything on the menu you will discover something that tastes great. For extra flavor and spice, use soy and wasabi to immerse your food.

International Sushi Day: Dates

2024June 18Tuesday
2025June 18Wednesday
2026June 18Thursday
2027June 18Friday
2028June 18Sunday

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