Pascua Florida Day 2024 (US): Learn about its Interesting History and Facts

Pascua Florida Day 2024 commemorates Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León's arrival in Florida, marking the state's 50th anniversary since 1953.

Pascua Florida Day 2024 (US): Annually, Pascua Florida Day is observed on April 2. It celebrates the day Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León arrived in the region that is now the State of Florida. De León, inspired by a royal charter to discover and subjugate uncharted territories, set sail on April 2, 1513, and designated the island ‘La Florida’. The appellation originated from the Spanish Easter observance referred to as ‘Pascua Florida,’ and the Florida legislature proclaimed Pascua Florida Day in 1953.

Pascua Florida Day: History

King Ferdinand bestowed upon Juan Ponce de León a regal contract in February 1512, which conferred upon him the jurisdiction to undertake the pursuit of ‘The Islands of Benimy.’ The contractual agreement designated him with exclusive rights to the aforementioned island, along with any adjacent islands he discovered, for three years.

He would also serve as the lifelong governor of such islands. However, it was mandatory for him to personally fund the expedition. De León departed Puerto Rico on March 4, 1513, accompanied by 200 sailors and a fleet of three vessels: the Santiago, San Cristobal, and Santa Maria de la Consolation.

The ships arrived on an island that de León had designated ‘La Florida’ on April 2, 1513, in remembrance of the Spanish Easter festival, Pascua Florida, which customarily transpired at that period. “Pascua Florida” translates to “flower festival” or “feast of flowers” in Spanish.
On April 2, 1953, the Florida legislature proclaimed Pascua Florida Day an official holiday, per the recommendation of Mary A. Harrell, a Social Studies instructor residing in Jacksonville.

It is a time to reflect on the state’s illustrious past, despite the absence of any official commemorative activities. Florida exclusively observes Pascua Florida Day. The Governor of Florida frequently observes the Week of Pascua Florida from March 27 to April 2. If April 2 lands on a weekend, the holiday observance may shift to the preceding Monday or Friday.

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Pascua Florida Day: FAQs

Who currently serves as the governor of Florida?

In 2019, Florida elected Ronald Dion DeSantis to the position of governor.

In Florida, how many beaches are present?

Florida, which has 1,350 miles of coastline, has approximately 189 official beaches.

What is the total number of alligators in Florida?

One-and-a-half million alligators are estimated to reside in Florida.

Pascua Florida Day: Activities

Visit the state of Florida

If you have ever envisioned yourself lounging on the picturesque shores of Florida, this is your opportunity. Visit Florida and behold its wonders for yourself.

Communicate your goodwill

Transmit a message of benevolence to demonstrate your endorsement of the celebration. Spread a positive sentiment about Florida on social media and extend a heartfelt celebration to all Floridians.

Employ a hashtag

Educate others regarding this significant historical observance through the dissemination of this article on the internet. Not forget to utilize the hashtag #pascuafloridaday.

Five Interesting Florida Facts

  1. Because Florida is the most level state in the United States, its highest location is the lowest of all states.
  2. Florida ranks as the second most significant orange juice producer globally.
  3. 1914 marked the inaugural scheduled airline flight, which departed from St. Petersburg, Florida.
  4. Florida, boasting a population exceeding 21 million, ranks as the third most populous state in the United States.
  5. A location in Florida is never further than sixty miles from the nearest shore.

Pascua Florida Day: Dates

2024April 2Tuesday
2025April 2Wednesday
2026April 2Thursday
2027April 2Friday
2028April 2Sunday

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