National Day of Solidarity with Muslim Arab and South Asian Immigrants 2024 (US): Know about its History and FAQs

National Day of Solidarity with Muslim Arab and South Asian Immigrants 2024 (US): Every February 20, Americans observe the National Day of Solidarity with Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Immigrants as an act of humanity. Following the infamous September 11 attacks, there was a show of support for the affected groups and the organization of special events to denounce the unfair treatment they received in the United States.

Numerous Americans have long opposed the government’s encroachment on the rights of Arab and Muslim immigrants since it began to imprison the latter. Today serves to reinforce the solidarity extended towards marginalized minority communities.

National Day of Solidarity with Muslim Arab and South Asian Immigrants: History

In 2002, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the US launched an assault on Muslim and Arab immigrants under the Department of Homeland Security. Approximately two thousand individuals were apprehended and placed in government custody. Certain non-religious and Muslim organizations, among others, initiated a campaign of solidarity not only with Muslims and Arabs but also with South Asian immigrants who had endured unjust treatment for decades prior, in response to this injustice. The inaugural observance of the National Day of Solidarity with Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Immigrants was the result of this movement.

Without a doubt, the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States were abhorrent and despicable acts against the country that continue to have repercussions on the lives of countless citizens. The attacks caused the loss of millions of dollars and over 2,000 American lives. Currently, people are still feeling the effects. However, even though the offense is serious, it is unfair to treat groups that had no involvement in the attacks in an unjust manner.

For this reason, the renowned Nazi pastor Martin Niemoeller’s words from the middle of the 20th century haunted many and compelled them to speak out against the government’s ill-advised retaliation.

Even nearly a decade after the attack, certain politicians continued to advocate for Muslim subjugation. One prominent example is Congressman Peter King, who delivered numerous anti-Muslim speeches in 2011 without substantiating his claims with empirical evidence. People have been observing the day for the past 20 years in order to keep fighting against the discrimination that Arab and Muslim immigrants face.

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National Day of Solidarity with Muslim Arab and South Asian Immigrants 2024: FAQs

In what year did the September 11th attacks occur?

The assault occurred on September 11, 2001, between a few minutes and six a.m. local time in the United States.

In which American metropolis is the Muslim population the largest?

It is said that Dearborn, Michigan, has the most Muslims in the United States.

What prompted Muslim immigration to the United States?

In the past, the preponderance of Muslims who immigrated to the United States via slavery were African Muslims. Arab Muslims and others arrive in the United States today for the same reason as the majority of other immigrants.

National Day of Solidarity with Muslim Arab and South Asian Immigrants 2024: Activities

Attend the rally

Participate in the campaigns and rallies that advocate for South Asians, Muslims, and Arabs to be treated equally. Your voice will have an enormous impact and effect.

Develop rapport with marginalized communities

If one is unable to attend a rally, one should converse with any acquaintances who are South Asian, Arab, or Muslim immigrants. Be hospitable to them and attentive to their anecdotes.

Be considerate

Demonstrating benevolence towards South Asian immigrants, Arabs, and Muslims constitutes an additional commendable approach to the day. Treating others with kindness, despite not being able to change the current situation, has a significant impact on them.

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Five 9/11 terror attack Facts you should be aware of:

Not the initial

The 9/11 attacks were a series of terrorist attacks, but the bombing at the World Trade Center marked the first such act, contrary to popular belief.

Months devoted to rescuing and recovery efforts

The rescue operation and recovery cleanup of the numerous tons of detritus from the WTC required nine months.

Courageous air travelers

Passengers on United Flight 93 tried to regain control of the aircraft after becoming aware of the initial assaults.

The greatest American tragedy

The WTC attacks resulted in the greatest number of fatalities among foreign assaults on American soil.

Postponed footage

Unlike the WTC attacks, the Pentagon attacks were not captured on film until 2006, when they were finally broadcast.

National Day of Solidarity with Muslim Arab and South Asian Immigrants: Dates

2024February 20Tuesday
2025February 20Thursday
2026February 20Friday
2027February 20Saturday
2028February 20Sunday

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