Savitri Amavasya 2024 (India): A Day of Fasting for Married Hindu Women

Savitri Amavasya, a day of fasting observed in certain regions of North India and Nepal, is a religious obligation for married Hindu women in Odisha, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh.

Savitri Amavasya 2024: The Amavasya, or no moon day, of the third month of the Hindu calendar, Jyestha, which lies between May and June, is observed as Savitri Amavasya, a day of fasting. June 6th is the date this year. This day is commemorated in certain regions of North India and Nepal. In certain regions of the state of Odisha, the festival is also referred to as “Sabitri Uwaans.” Married Hindu women in the states of Odisha, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh fast and pray on this day for their husbands to live a lengthy life. These women regard this fasting as a religious obligation and a pledge.

Savitri Amavasya: History

Savitri Amavasya is a day of fasting that is observed on the Amavasya, or lack of moon day, in the Hindu month of Jyestha. This month is the third month of the Hindu calendar and is situated between May and June. The date of the no-moon day is subject to change annually.

Married women in the North Indian states of Odisha, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh, as well as in Nepal, observe a fast on this day. Their conviction is that the fast is a commitment that fortifies their prayers for their spouses to live long.

The day and fast are named after Savitri, one of the two halves of the legendary couple Savitri and Satyavan in Hindu mythology. There are numerous narratives about Savitri and Satyavan; however, the Sanskrit epic, the Mahabharata, contains the oldest tales.

Savitri was born to King Ashwapati of the Madra Kingdom, which was likely located in the modern Indian state of Maharashtra, as per the legends. Satyavan, the son of the blind King Dyumatsena, is selected by Saviriti to be her spouse. Savitri’s father was informed that Satyavan was to expire within a year. He endeavors to persuade her to select an alternative partner; however, she declines.

The fast is modeled after the three-day fast that Savitri observed before Satyavan’s anticipated demise.

Satyavan is impressed by Savitri’s eloquent speech and fast when the God of Death, Yama, appears to claim his soul. He provides her with any item she desires, except for Satyavan’s life. Savitri desires that she and Satyavan have one hundred children. The God of Death, who is impressed by her intellect, permits her to wish for Satyavan’s life, and Yama grants its return.

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Savitri Amavasya: FAQs

Unmarried women are permitted to participate in the Vrat Savitri Vrat.

The fast is also observed by unmarried women to pray for the long life of their future husband and a good spouse.

Which of the following fasts is observed by Husbands?

Karwa Chauth is observed in addition to the Savitri Amavasya fast to ensure the longevity of one’s husband.

What is the method of celebration for Vat Savitri?

The women observe a fast for their spouses until the afternoon, pray to Savitri, listen to the story of Savitri and Satyavan, and feast. This is how Vat Savitri is celebrated.

Savitri Amavasya: Activities

Engage in the ceremonies

The women of Odisha, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh will warmly welcome your participation in the rituals if you are married and in the area. Maintain the fast, engage in the worship, and partake in the feast in the afternoon.

Read the narrative of Savitri and Satyavan.

It is an excellent day to read about Savitri and Satyavan on Savitri Amavasya. Obtain a copy of the Mahabharata or the Vana Parva and peruse the narrative.

Narrate the narrative to individuals.

Disseminate the narrative of Savitri’s ingenuity and commitment to those you know. Her shrewdness in advocating for her family is a tale of inspiration.

Five Surprising Facts about Savitri Amavasya

Places observe it during the full moon.

The fast is observed on the Vat Purnima, or the full moon, in the month of Jyestha in the states of Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, and Karnataka.

Savitri is revered as a goddess.

Married women dedicate their offerings to Savitri and venerate her on the day of the fast.

Nine is a significant number.

As part of the rituals, nine varieties of fruits and nine varieties of flora are presented to Savitri.

It is crucial to convey the narrative.

Brat Katha, the narrative of the fast, is a significant component of the rituals associated with Savitri Amavasya.

The fast concludes in the afternoon.

The women bow to their spouses and the elders in the family before eating their first meal of the day after the rituals conclude in the afternoon.

Savitri Amavasya: Importance

We are fond of the narrative.

We appreciate the affection that Savitri exhibits toward her spouse. Additionally, we believe that Savitri is a wise and exceptional role model.

We hold the faith of the women in high regard.

The women’s ability to preserve these rituals for an extended period of time is truly remarkable. We are grateful for the faith that motivates them to maintain the fast even today.

Supporting the culture is our objective.

We believe that the rituals and legends are significant to the culture of the location. We believe that the culture is preserved by commemorating these festivals and adhering to these fasts.

Savitri Amavasya: Dates

2024June 6Thursday
2025May 26Monday
2026May 16Saturday

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