National Piercing Day 2024 (US): Activities, History, Dates, and FAQs

National Piercing Day 2024 (US): National Piercing Day, observed annually on May 16, is a lighthearted occasion that honors the piercing art and its fascinating history. What are your thoughts on body piercings? Reading about the day may convince you to buy another.

Background of National Piercing Day

Although piercings have been around for generations, they have not always been fashionable. Across cultures, piercings have different meanings. National Piercing Day also highlights the wide variety of body-piercing designs and shapes that have emerged across cultures.

In the Native American Sun Dance ceremonial, incisions were made to induce powerful spiritual visions. Piercings were also utilized to heal diseases, according to Ayurveda.

It is believed that a group of people who were interested in body piercings established National Piercing Day in 2007 by designating May 16 as a day to celebrate the practice. Although it is still not formally recognized, piercing enthusiasts across the country observe the day every year.

National Piercing Day honors piercings as a contemporary art form and a tool of self-expression, as well as their historical and cultural relevance. Additionally, many piercing stores and boutiques across the country offer discounts on this day.

FAQs for National Piercing Day

Which bodily part is the most prevalent to pierce?

The enumeration comprises piercings of the ear, nasal, and belly buttons.

Which piercing is the safest to perform on your own?

For piercing, earlobes are the most secure location.

Is an 18-year-old capable of authorizing a piercing?

Although piercing is permissible, individuals below the age of 18 require the permission of a legal guardian.

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Observing National Piercing Day 2024 (US): Activities

Obtain piercings

More appropriately, one could commemorate the occasion by acquiring a fresh piercing. On May 16, numerous piercing establishments will kindly provide discounts.

Learn about piercings in various cultures.

Beyond our awareness, the art of piercing encompasses an immense amount more. Why not devote the day to learning more about the history and customs of piercings in diverse cultures around the world?

Encourage secure piercing

Create and distribute flyers concerning the safety of piercings throughout your community. A significant number of adolescents receive hazardous piercings; therefore, educating them is crucial.

Five Amazing Facts about Piercings

The Guinness world record holder in incisions

Elaine Davidson possesses a thousand piercings.

Masai people of Kenya

The circumference of the lower lip piercings on adults in the tribe exceeds six inches.

Earlobe piercing is widespread.

Eighty percent of American women have ear piercings.

It is an infectious agent.

Tongue and lip piercings are potential sources of oral infections, such as periodontal disease.

Problems with piercing

A study from 1998 found that 35% of piercings result in complications.

National Piercing Day: Dates

2024May 16Thursday
2025May 16Friday
2026May 16Saturday
2027May 16Sunday
2028May 16Tuesday

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