National Scrabble Day 2024: Know about its Facts and Activities

National Scrabble Day 2024: On National Scrabble Day, we are enchanted. The 13th of April marks the birth of Scrabble creator Alfred Mosher Butts. He contributed an internationally renowned board game to the globe. “Triple Word Scores” are all the rage now, more than 70 years later! On top of that, the clever use of those mysterious blank tiles.

It is now appropriate to remove the game box’s lid, select the initial seven letters, and commence. Remember to bring the Scrabble dictionary. We would prefer to avoid any squabbles, which is an advantageous word in Scrabble worth 21 points! It is time to C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E, one of the most recognizable board games in the world.

National Scrabble Day: Activities

Engage in some family Scrabble time.

Remember to bring the Scrabble Junior game for children. You can rest assured that it contains images!

Organize a Scrabble competition

Scrabble tournaments are both thrilling and intense, so feel free to invite your friends.

Online Scrabble play

Comparing playing with a human being to playing with a computer is entirely different. Prepared to confront the challenge?

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National Scrabble Day: Five Facts

Adapting to the changing circumstances

Aside from “beatbox,” “hashtag,” “selfie,” and “vlog,” the Official Scrabble Dictionary now also includes “mojito,” “chillax,” and “beatbox.”

At first, they were crafted by hand.

For roughly twenty years, James Brunot and another friend, co-inventors, meticulously crafted and sold every game from their garage.

Braille adaptation

It is completely accessible to those who are blind or visually impaired. Additionally, tactile dots and dashes adorn the premium word squares of the playing board.

Absence of a language obstacle

Scrabble is played in 29 different languages and has been sold in 121 countries.

We adore such communications.

Globally, approximately 30,000 rounds of Scrabble are initiated every hour.

National Scrabble Day: Importance

Family enjoyment

By devoting quality time to this game, one can enhance their communication skills, confidence, and penmanship abilities.

A “smart” decision

Words are studied to improve one’s performance in the game. Words such as “za,” an abbreviation for “pizza,” and “xi,” the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, will be familiar to you shortly.

Watching Scrabble championships is entertaining.

The advantages are remarkable! Observe as they effortlessly utter words such as “quixotic.” An impressive 76 points, which includes a bonus of 50 points for utilizing all seven tiles.

National Scrabble Day: Dates

2024April 13Saturday
2025April 13Sunday
2026April 13Monday
2027April 13Tuesday
2028April 13Thursday

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