National Shower with a Friend Day 2024 (US): Ways to Enjoy Shower with a Friend Day

National Shower with a Friend Day 2024 (US): “Feeling fatigued by the polar vortex phenomena? Let’s celebrate National Shower with a Friend Day by spicing things up a bit. This unique day initially emerged when New Wave Enviro, a company based in Colorado, encouraged people to share their shower time with a ‘friend’—specifically, their brand-new shower filter.

Their rationale? ‘Your body absorbs more chlorine through the skin and lungs while showering than while drinking tap water,’ the company asserts. Who are we to argue? Nevertheless, on February 5th, you and a friend are encouraged to observe this holiday however you please.

Ways to Enjoy Shower with a Friend Day:

  • Invest in a new shower filter.
  • While it might not be conventional, that’s how this day got started.
  • Join in on the fun of ‘Shower with a Friend’ memes and videos circulating online every year.
  • Share your shower time with an actual acquaintance—Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.

Facts about Keeping Your Showers Refreshing:

Finding the perfect temperature:

Aim for a comfortable 105°F, as excessively hot water can dry out your skin and make your hair brittle.

Chill out:

Research from the VCU School of Medicine suggests that cold showers can help alleviate anxiety and depression.

Debunking shower length myths:

A five-minute shower typically uses about twenty liters of water, so feel free to indulge in longer showers when possible.

Bring the outdoors in:

Add some greenery to your bathroom; certain plants thrive in high humidity and can boost your mood.

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Why We Love National Shower with a Friend Day 2024:

Endless possibilities:

Not every holiday allows for such creative interpretation. With this one, the rules are entirely up to you.

It’s not what you think.

The day originated as a playful way to draw attention to water filters designed to fit snugly between the shower head and the water pipe.

Health benefits:

Shower filters are designed to remove chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, heavy metals, and naturally soften water—benefitting your overall health.”

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